Where to find the Black Mous Intel
Call of Duty: Warzone 2's DMZ offers a unique experience in a first for the series. The mode's objectives involve dropping into Al Mazrah, acquiring loot, completing missions, and exfiltrating from the Exclusion Zone. These missions often involve eliminating specific high-value targets or picking up certain items. The Black Mous Intel is one item to be looted during a mission.
DMZ is Call of Duty's take on an Escape from Tarkov-like game mode. The mode is intense and often puts players' patience and skills to the test. Generally, DMZ is played in trios. However, users can also play the mode in solos or duos if they wish to. Unlike other modes in the game, DMZ involves defeating natural enemies and AI combatants.
Hence, acquiring the necessary items quickly can be the deciding factor in one's survival in DMZ's Al Mazrah. This guide aims to assist players in finding the Black Mous Intel.
Guide to acquiring the Black Mous Intel in Warzone 2's DMZ
Looting the Black Mous Intel is part of the "Bag 'em and Tag 'em" mission in DMZ. It involves players collecting four Dog Tags and two pieces of the Intel. While some players claim that such intel is spawned randomly throughout Al Mazrah, many users have claimed that Rohan Oil is one sure-shot location on the Warzone 2 map where it can always be found.
To begin, head over to Rohan Oil. It is situated in the top-left corner of the map. If you don't spawn near the area, it is recommended to take a vehicle, as there will be AI combatants on the path, ready to shoot at you on sight. Once you have reached the area, look for the small buildings at the rear end of the compound.
Go inside the buildings and look for the Black Mous documents. They should spawn on the shelves or the desks therein. If they haven't spawned in those buildings, feel free to explore the rest of the tiny buildings scattered across Rohan Oil. If you are still unable to find them, it is possible that someone arrived before you and fled with the documents.
Ensure that the doors aren't open when you reach the location and that other items remain unlooted. If they are, it is recommended to quit the match and search for another lobby.
These intel pieces display a price of $1000 and often resemble any other document found in DMZ.
This is all there is to know about getting your hands on the Black Mous Intel in Warzone 2's DMZ. The path to the location won't be easy, and danger will lurk in every corner of the area. Hence, loading up with proper weapons, shields, and enough healing material is advised to obtain the item successfully.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded are now live on PC (via Battle.net and Steam), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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