
What happened when YouTuber said N-word in past?

Felix Kjellberg, also known as PewDiePie, is a well-known YouTuber and one of the most prominent creators on the Red platform. With years of experience, he has faced various challenges and achieved remarkable feats, including taking on a major music industry player like T-Series and becoming the first individual creator to hit 100 million subscribers.

Despite his immense success, he has encountered several controversies, such as posting a meme about Demi Lovato's drug addiction and making anti-semitic remarks. This article will shed light on the incident where he was heard using the N-word during a live stream of him playing PUBG.

Did PewDiePie use the N-word? Viral clip explored

In mid-September 2017, prominent YouTuber PewDiePie decided to play the widely popular battle royale game, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). While streaming the game, he encountered an enemy who knocked down his teammate. PewDiePie fired shots at the enemy player in response, hoping to kill or deflect him.

However, instead of engaging in a firefight, the enemy player returned to PewDiePie's knocked-down partner and killed him instead. This unexpected turn of events provoked the YouTuber's sudden and impulsive reaction, leading him to use the "N-word." The incident was caught on video, and the exact transcript of the moment is as follows:

"Are you down? I see him, I see him. F**k, I gotta heal. What? What the f**k is happening (proceeds to shoot at the enemy)."

After seeing the enemy kill his teammate, he continued:

"What a f**king ni**er! Geez, oh my god! What the f**k! Sorry, but what the f**k? What a f**king a**hole. I don't mean that in a bad way, but Jesus! Why would he do that?"

The incident is famously referred to as the "bridge" incident because it occurred on a bridge within the game. More specifically, the scuffle took place at a bridge on the Erangel map, which serves as a crucial connection point between the mainland and the southern island recognized for its Military Base.

Shortly after the controversy surrounding his use of the "N-word," PewDiePie posted a brief video on his YouTube channel in which he explicitly apologized for his actions. He explained that his use of the word was a slip of the tongue in a heated moment and that he did not intend for it to be taken as a racial slur.

He also expressed his commitment to improving his online behavior in the future and being more mindful of the impact his words carry on others. He said:

"Whenever I go online and I hear other players use the same kind of language that I did, I always find it extremely immature and stupid. And I hate how I now personally fed into that part of gaming as well. It was something that I said in the heat of the moment I said the worse word I could possibly think of and it just sort of slipped out."

He also added:

"I owe it to my audience and to myself to do better than this, because I know I am better than this. I really want to improve myself and better myself, not just for me, but for anyone that looks up to me."

Despite past controversies, PewDiePie remains one of the stalwarts of YouTube gaming and is considered one of the most beloved YouTubers who has made a significant impact on the platform.

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Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-19