Us Weekly: Sandra Bullocks new life as a mom
Us Weekly is running a nice cover story this week about Sandra Bullock’s “new life as a mom”. I think she’s been a mom for a while, not just to her son Louis, but to her step-kids with Jesse James, but whatever. “New life” et cetera. Us Weekly doesn’t have an interview with Sandra or anything, they just got “exclusive” photos of Sandra and Louis hanging out in Texas. I saw the video of this on Entertainment Tonight a few days ago, and it was really cute. It was just Sandra and Louis chilling out, running errands, and while she was in one store, a guy asked if he could hold Louis, and Sandra passes him over.
Call him Mr. Congeniality: it’s Louis Bardo Bullock!
After months of secrecy, Sandra Bullock brought her four-month-old son out in public earlier in May: over Mother’s Day weekend in New Orleans, and several days later in Austin, Texas, as exclusive new photos in the latest Us Weekly reveal.
In Austin (where she owns a home) on May 14, Bullock was “showing the baby off to just random people in stores,” a fellow shopper tells Us. “Sandra was in a really happy mood.”
Bullock, 45, was “such a natural with [Louis] and so easygoing and chill,” local store owner Jennifer Mazuelos says. “He’s such a big boy!”
After a devastating couple months — the revelation of husband Jesse James’ multiple affairs and a late-April divorce filing — the Oscar-winner is finally settling into full-time motherhood.
“Sandra is loving it!” a pal tells Us.
Adds another: “Having Louis around is perfect therapy for what she went through with Jesse.”
While Bullock never considered adopting alone prior to her shocking split, her unexpected single parenthood has been “an extraordinary lesson for her,” a friend says.
To read about how Jesse James’ relationship with Louis is “still evolving,” whether Bullock may adopt additional kids, her support system, and Bullock’s connection to James’ three children, pick up the new Us Weekly, out now!
[From Us Weekly]
I’m still wondering about Sandra and Jesse, honestly. I’ve read from various sources that Jesse was at Sandra and Louis’s People Magazine photo shoot. I’ve also read that Jesse is still visiting Sandra and Louis. In Touch Weekly is running a story this week – and I’m only judging this from the cover – about Sandra and Jesse’s “secret reunion”. Would Sandra take him back? Or is she just trying to be a graceful, mature adult and still treat her estranged husband with respect? I don’t know.