
Snowbreak Containment Zone tier list (October 2023)

Snowbreak Containment Zone is a third-person shooter game set in a futuristic world where Titans have destroyed humanity. Developed by Seasun Games, this 3D sci-fi gacha title features over 15 characters called Operatives. You create a squad of three and engage in challenging fights to save the world from Titans. Each performs unique roles and possesses upgradable abilities and weapons.

You can use one among three units interchangeably, take cover, and shoot enemies on the battlefield. This article provides a complete tier list of all playable Operatives into different tiers according to their battle prowess. It helps you create a formidable squad and destroy any enemy you face in the Snowbreak Containment Zone’s futuristic world.

All Snowbreak Containment Zone Operatives ranked from best to worst (October 2023)

An in-game screenshot of Snowbreak Containment gameplay (Image via Seasun Games)

In this mobile RPG title, you create a diverse team comprising one DPS (Damage Dealer), Support, and Healer. Each Snowbreak Containment Zone Operative possesses unique elemental types: Thermal, Kinetic, Electrical, Chaos, and Frost. They have designated weapon types: Submachine Guns, Pistols, Shotguns, Snipers, and Assault Rifles.

You can upgrade your team’s combat prowess by upgrading each Operative’s in-game level, weapon, neuronics, manifestations, and logistics. New characters and weapons are obtainable from the in-game gacha called Echo system. They come in two rarities: 5-star (indicated by Orange color) and 6-star (indicated by Purple color).

Considering all these, this article divides all playable characters with their weapon type into SS, S, A, and B tiers. The powerful ones are included in the SS tier, while the weakest ones are B-tiers.


Yao Winter Solstice in Snowbreak Containment Zone (Image via Seasun Games)

The Operatives in this tier are the best in the current meta. They excel at their role, and you can use them without second thoughts. Here are all SS-tier characters:

  • Yao Winter Solstice: Sniper
  • Acacia Kaguya: Pistol


Chenxing Ethereal Cloud in Snowbreak Containment Zone (Image via Seasun Games)

You can depend on S-tier characters to clear most stages in this shooter title. They are the second-best Snowbreak Containment Zone Operatives you can use to destroy Titans. Although less potent than SS-tier ones, they can easily outperform others in the current meta. Operatives that rank at S-tier are listed below:

  • Chenxing Ethereal Cloud: Assault Rifle
  • Fenny Coronet: Shotgun
  • Enya Big Sis: Pistol
  • Fritia Hush: Submachine Gun
  • Lyfe Wild Hunt: Submachine Gun


Marian Swift in Snowbreak Containment Zone (Image via Seasun games)

A-tier comprises average units that can help you clear early and some mid-game stages conveniently. They are neither strong nor weak; however, upgrade them at every opportunity for the best effect. A-tier characters are listed below:

  • Marian Swift: Sniper Rifle
  • Siris The Goldfish: Shotgun
  • Ji Chenxing The Observer: Assault Rifle
  • Fritia Little Sunshine: Assault Rifle
  • Marian Queen of Pain: Sniper Rifle
  • Acacia Redacted: Pistol
  • Yao Quiet Quitter: Sniper
  • Mauxir Kitty: Submachine Gun
  • Lyfe Wednesday: Submachine Gun
  • Fenny Lionheart: Shotgun


Haru The Ace in Snowbreak Containment Zone (Image via Seasun Games)

B-tier characters provide little utility on the battlefield. They are the best fit for beginners in this gacha and help you get accustomed to the gameplay and comprehend the meta. It’s best to go for Operatives that rank at SS, S, and A-tier. All characters in B-tier are below:

  • Cherno Those Two: Submachine Gun
  • Haru The Ace: Pistol
  • Nita Hands: Shotgun

The tier list of Snowbreak Containment does not remain the same and changes with every update the game receives. Seasun Games introduces new characters regularly, pushing the ranks of existing ones and changing the tier list.

Additionally, this tier list only provides a general overview of the current meta’s power. It is advised to use the ones you are comfortable with and match your playstyle.

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Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-06-23