Is Sarath Ton still Sasha Banks' husband?
Renowned wrestler and actor Mercedes Varnado (aka Sasha Banks) rarely talks about her married life with Sarath Ton. The Massachusetts-born designer tied the knot with Varnado on August 4, 2016. The ceremony was officiated by one-half of The Ascension’s team, Konnor.
Not many people are aware of Sarath Ton's wrestling career. He made his in-ring debut on November 2, 2002, in Premier Wrestling Federation Northeast as Kid Mikaze. Over the next twelve years, Kid Mikaze gained experience in promotions like Chaotic Wrestling and New England Frontier Wrestling.
On June 11, 2012, Ton made his WWE RAW debut under the ring name Rutherford Hayes, where he teamed with Willard Fillmore in a handicap match against Ryback. He performed multiple times before being sidelined due to a head injury, following which WWE hired him as a costume designer. Reminiscent of his previous moniker, they gave him the name Mikaze.
Most recently, Ton designed the costumes for The Bloodline for their showdown at Survivor Series WarGames. He even pitched the idea of 'Honorary Uce' tights on Sami Zayn while giving the green light to Roman Reigns' distinctive look for WarGames.
"The Bloodline, I did all the red. You will notice that there was one member of the Bloodline who wasn't in red, and that's not because it wasn't made, it was because the fabric texture wasn't what he thought it was going to be. He put it on to see how it felt. At the end of the day, he's the Tribal Chief, he gets to do what he wants." (H/T Fightful)Mercedes Varnado and Sarath Ton are married to this day. They first met in 2010, when Varnado didn't debut in WWE and needed a change in appearance to make an impact on the audience. She became fascinated by his work, and the two developed a strong bond that lasts to this day.
Although Sasha Banks has departed with WWE, Sarath Ton continues to work for the Stanford-based promotion.
Sasha Banks kept her relationship with Sarath Ton a secret
News of Sasha Banks marrying Sarath Ton broke down weeks after the ceremony had occurred. She revealed the reason months later, in May 2017, on the "Making Their Way To The Ring” podcast with Lilian Garcia.
"I just think that fans are just so crazy. I see what they write to him on Twitter, and I don’t like that stuff. If you’re saying he’s ugly or he shouldn’t be with me because of this or that. That hurts me.” (H/T is more vocal about his wife, Sasha Banks, although he mostly talks about her costume designs.
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