Is Philip Rivers Catholic? All you need to know about former Chargers QBs religion and family
If Philip Rivers ever needed a football team of his own children, he is nearly there. He and his wife Tiffany are expecting their 10th child.He said they are expecting a boy. The family is pumped to have another addition to the family, saying his seven daugthers were also rooting to have a third son in the family. Speaking to, he said
“We are all fired up. Everyone was pulling for a boy. Even our girls wanted a boy.”He confirmed that he and his wife have had a child pretty much every other year since they were married, and this is the longest gap.
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He credits his faith to his upbringing by his parents, Steve and Joan Rivers in Decatur, Alabama. He said:
“Being at a Catholic high school, [our faith] is part of the very fabric of our football program, and certainly a part of the mission of the school. Getting to be at a Catholic high school and coach these young men, we talk about the ‘whole young man’ all the time: spiritually, physically, emotionally, academically."He also said that his faith comes above all else and that means they never miss Sunday Mass. Given that Philip Rivers is a eight-time Pro-Bowler who played 17 seasons in the NFL, many of them on Sundays, that is an admission of the staunchness of his faith.
A look at Philip Rivers' family
Philip Rivers' faith has always been central to everything he does. When he married his wife, Tiffany Goodwin, in 2001, both of them were shy of 20 years old. Before marrying her, he took consent from his and her families, as well as his football coach. They were middle school sweethearts and Tiffany converted to Catholicism a day before their marriage.
Their first daughter, Halle, was born in 2002, while he was still in college, two years before he joined professional football in the 2004 NFL Draft. She is now older than when her mother first had her. Since then, they have had eight other children. Their names and ages in 2023 are mentioned in parentheses.
Halle (21), Caroline (18), Grace (17), Gunner (15), Sarah (13), Peter (12), Rebecca (9), Clare (7), and Anna (4).
As Philip Rivers mentioned, their youngest boy will have the biggest age gap with their immediate siblings among the family. Just like he played high school football under his father, his oldest son is now a quarterback under his tutelage. There are few better coaches at high school level for the position than Philip Rivers, and it shows in the way Gunner plays.
Philip Rivers' commitment towards his faith has also extended to off-field actions as well, where he has been joined by his family.
He and his wife oversaw the 'Rivers of Hope Foundation' from 2010 to 2012 to help foster children. The Foundation tied up with San Pasqual Academy, which educates foster teens. They raised more than a million dollars for foster kids through activities like football camps and a 5K Fun Run. He himself donated to the cause to bring up the total. For his efforts, he was a finalist in the 2011 Walter Payton Man of the Year list.
As he prepares to welcome his tenth child to the world, we are sure that he will be leaning in on his faith. It has been the one constant for him through high school, college, professional football, and coaching. That and his family, which will now swell by one.
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