How to obtain the Blanket for Elliot in Stray, the cyberpunk cat game
Stray has a very unique take on the cyberpunk genre, where players get to pilot a cat through the labyrinthine underbelly of a dystopian city.
The title was highly anticipated by fans, and with it being released now, it seems that Stray was more than able to deliver on all of the expectations.
With the narrative of Stray based around players helping the feline protagonist escape the city and rejoin their family, there are a lot of unique robots and personalities that they will come across on their journey, along with a variety of interesting missions as well.
However, not all missions in Stray are easy, and there are a few that a lot of players are having trouble completing.
For one such mission, the player will be required to find a blanket for Elliot so that they can fix the transmitter and help the cat on its way to the rest of its journey. This article will cover how players can complete this mission in Annapurna’s latest cyberpunk cat game.
Obtaining the Blanket for Elliot in Stray
Obtaining the Blanket for Elliot is one of the main quest objectives that players will be required to complete in order to progress further in the storyline. It is one of the earliest roadblocks they will face, and it is one of the trickier objectives to complete. As a result, players can often get confused as to what they are required to do next.
Hence, in order to obtain the blanket for Elliot in Stray, players will have to complete the following steps:
- Find the Super Sprit detergent. It can be obtained from the laundromat. However, in order to open the laundromat, players will need to navigate the cat onto the roof, and let out a “meow.” This will make the robots inside drop the paint can.
- After the paint can drop will lead to the owner of the establishment opening the door. This will allow the cat to sneak its way inside it and get its hands on the Super Spirit detergent.
- After obtaining the detergent, players will then be required to make their way to Barterman in the Slums and trade the detergent for an Electric Cable. It is important to note here that the Slums will not be available before chapter 4.
- After obtaining the Electric Cable, players will need to take the item and give it to Grandma, who is present near Elliot Programming. After doing so, she will knit the cat a poncho, which Elliot will then refer to as a blanket.
- While the Poncho is required to progress in the main narrative in the cyberpunk cat game, players will be able to obtain the item from Grandma beforehand, even before the title’s main objective presents the players with the option.
With so many missions, side quests, and achievements that players can take part in as a cat, Stray has indeed become a unique experience for all players trying out the game.
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