
How to easily complete the "Icebreaker" mission in Warzone 2 DMZ

Season 4 of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 has added many new features, including a highly acclaimed new map named Vondel. The community has embraced this inclusion enthusiastically, complimenting its engaging design and gameplay. Along with the map, a fresh set of missions has been added, providing players with new ways to acquire intriguing rewards and valuable experience points. These additions have enhanced the Warzone 2 experience, creating broad enthusiasm among the devoted fanbase.

Icebreaker is one such mission added in Season 4, part of Tier 2 of the Black Mous faction mission. The following article will guide you in completing the mission easily.

Procedure to complete the Icebreaker mission in Warzone 2 DMZ

Despite being the final mission of Tier 2, the Icebreaker doesn't possess much of a challenge. The missions linked with the Black Mous faction are purposefully created to give players simple tasks, allowing them to become acquainted with the game's core concepts and features.

The Icebreaker mission has three tasks, although, in practice, players only need to complete two of them since the third is automatically completed. The accessibility and simplicity of this task contribute to its ease of completion.

  • Pickup the Letter of Introduction and Tracker From the Vondel Zoo Dead Drop
  • Deliver the Letter of Introduction to the Phalanx Dead Drop at the University
  • Deliver the Tracking Device to the Same Phalanx Dead Drop
Location of the Zoo POI dead drop (Image via Activision)

After completing all three tasks, you will be rewarded with a Sending Signals Emblem and an additional 10,000 XP. To save time while completing the tasks, the information below will reveal the specific areas you need to visit. It will allow you to finish the mission with little effort or searching.

  • First of all, you need to deploy upon Warzone 2's new map, Vondel, and head to the Zoo POI, which is located in the southwest direction on the map.
  • Once you get to the location, you need to find the dead-drop present there.
  • The aquarium is present in the Zoo's center, and towards the west, stands a medium-sized building. Just outside this structure, you will see a white dumpster serving as the designated dead drop.
  • Interact with it, and inside, you will find a tracking device and a letter of introduction. Stow them into your backpack. You will need two extra slots to carry them.
  • You must now proceed to the opposite side of the map to the University POI, which is located to the north of the map.
  • You must find the Phalanx dead drop, which is located between City Hall and the gas station.
  • When you get to the dead drop, simply place the Letter of Introduction and the Tracking Device inside it. Once done, you will have successfully completed the Icebreaker mission.
Location of the Phalanx dead drop (Image via Activision)

With this, you will finish the 'Icebreaker mission in Warzone 2 Season 4 DMZ and receive all the exciting rewards associated with it.

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 Season 4 is live and available on Windows PC (via and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

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Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-06-16