
How Many Super Bowl Rings Does Jimmy Garoppolo Have?

Jimmy Garoppolo was selected by the New England Patriots with the 62nd overall pick in the second round of the 2014 NFL Draft. He served as seven-time Super Bowl winner Tom Brady's backup for three seasons during his time with the Patriots. He trained for the starting quarterback position while playing behind the great himself.

During his three years with the Patriots, his team won two Championship titles - Super Bowl XLIX in 2015 and Super Bowl LI in 2017. Garoppolo did not play in any of the two games, but he has two Super Bowl rings to his name.

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Jimmy Garoppolo was a backup quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers for the following two seasons after being acquired in 2017. He ultimately started in each of the 16 games in 2019. He passed for 3,978 yards, 27 touchdowns, and 13 interceptions during the season.

He led the 49ers to the playoffs with a 13-3 record and defeated the Minnesota Vikings 27-10 in the divisional round. They faced the Green Bay Packers in the NFC Championship game, which they won 37-20. For the first time, Jimmy Garoppolo played in the Super Bowl in the 2019 season.

In Super Bowl LIV, the 49ers met the Kansas City Chiefs but suffered a heart-breaking 31-20 loss against them. Jimmy G completed 20 out of 31 passes while throwing for 219 yards with one passing touchdown and two interceptions. San Francisco was 10 points ahead, but their defense allowed 21 points in the last quarter.

Garappollo only participated in six games in 2020 due to ankle injuries. He made 15 starts in 2021, accumulating 3,810 yards, 20 touchdowns, and 12 interceptions.

Did Jimmy Garoppolo play in the 2022 season?

New Orleans Saints v San Francisco 49ers

Jimmy Garoppolo played as a backup to the 49ers QB Trey Lance in the 2022 season. However, Lance suffered a season-ending right ankle injury in the Week 2 game against the Seattle Seahawks. As a result, Jimmy G got the opportunity to start for his team for the next 10 games.

In his next ten games, he had a winning record of 7-3 and threw for 2,437 yards, 16 touchdowns, and four interceptions. He had a pass completion percentage of 67.2.

Garoppolo had a stellar season, but was injured with a right ankle injury in the Week 13 game against the Miami Dolphins. He was ruled out of the remaining games.

Rookie QB Brock Purdy replaced him and helped his team win the remaining five games of the regular season. The 49ers reached the NFC Championship game but lost to the Philadelphia Eagles 31-7.

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Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-24