Fortune explored as E! News host goes viral over facelift procedure at 48
E! News reporter Catt Sadler, whose net worth is $3 million, has been trending in the headlines after she underwent surgery. While speaking to Glamour on June 15, 2023, she addressed the procedure, stating that she has never had any surgical procedure on her face.
The mother of two underwent a facelift, neck lift, and blepharoplasty. Before undergoing the procedure, she met plastic surgeon Dr. Steve Kim after witnessing jowls hanging below her face. Kim asked her to undergo a facelift procedure, ensuring that there would be no severe complications. She revealed the reasons for the surgery and said:
"It's not like I did it because I can't get a job. It's not that I did it because I want my boyfriend to think I look 35. None of that was a consideration."The recovery took many weeks, and Catt had to follow a specific diet where she had to consume liquid food. Catt said that she has the ability to bear pain since she has been a mother of two children, but here the experience was completely different.
Catt disclosed that she paid less than what was originally charged for the surgery. Catt said she decided to undergo the procedure on her own and was not recommended by anyone.
"I was like, What are people going to think? Who's going to judge me? But I think one of the best parts about getting older is giving zero f*cks what people think of you," she further stated.Catt Sadler has accumulated a lot of wealth from her career as a news reporter and TV show host
Catt Sadler has pursued a successful career over the years as a successful news reporter, and she is known for her appearances on E! News. This has contributed a lot to her earnings per year, and CelebrityNetWorth reported that her net worth is around $3 million.
According to a source for E!, Catt's salary was $600,000 per year while she was working on the news network. She started her career as a host of shows like Youth Matters and The Groove on WXIN. She joined KBWB/KNTV in 1997 and started working as an entertainment reporter.
She rejoined WXIN and was the host of the lottery game show Hoosier Millionaire. Catt later gained recognition as the host of the entertainment news show The Daily 10. She then started hosting another show titled Daily Pop in 2017.
Catt Sadler has hosted red-carpet events for E! at different award shows, including the Academy Awards and Emmy Awards. She left E! News in 2017 and launched a production company called Love Bug Entertainment. She has been appearing on a podcast titled It Sure is a Beautiful Day and has been the host for the Vanity Fair Oscars Red Carpet Show between 2018 and 2022.
Sadler is also involved in the establishment of different organizations, like the Women Like Us Foundation and Women Like Us Hollywood.
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