Complete list of all FIFA 23 celebrations and how to perform them
When it comes to celebrations in FIFA 23, players have an enormous list to pick from. With over 100 options, they have a vast arsenal on hand to celebrate a goal in style. But not all the celebrations are easy to perform, and some can only be done with particular footballers.
The foremost thing to know is the celebrations and how to perform them. While memorizing all of them is impossible, every player will have some particular favorites. Celebrations in FIFA 23 also have several categories, while some are easier to perform, others may be a bit tricky.
Nevertheless, knowing the correct buttons will make the task a lot easier in FIFA 23. The following is a complete list of all the celebrations that are currently available in the game. Do note that some celebrations like "Sui" can also be performed with footballers aside from Cristiano Ronaldo.
P.S. Controls are according to the default PlayStation settings. Xbox/PC users will have to make suitable adjustments in terms of the buttons.
FIFA 23 has a long list of new and inherited celebrations
FIFA 23 basic celebrations
- Signature: X
- Random: Circle
- Cancel: L1 + R1
FIFA 23 running celebrations
- Thumb Suck: Hold Square
- Arms Out: Tap Square, Hold Square
- Wrist Flick: Tap Triangle, Hold Triangle
- Aeroplane: Hold R3
- Point to Sky: Hold RS up
- Telephone: Hold RS down
- Hands Out: Flick RS right, hold RS left
- Come On!: Flick RS left, hold RS right
- Blow Kisses: Flick RS down, hold RS up
- Double Arm Swing: Flick RS up, hold RS down
- Flying Bird: Flick RS right, hold RS right
- Hand on Head: Flick RS left, hold RS left
- Heart Symbol: Flick RS down, hold RS down
- Arms Pointing Up: Flick RS up, hold RS up
- Windmill: Spin RS clockwise
FIFA 23 finishers
- Scissors: Hold L1, press Square
- Challenge: Hold L2, double tap Square
- X: Hold L1, flick RS down twice
- Spinning Frog (offline only): Hold L2, spin RS anti-clockwise
- One Eye: Hold R2, press R3
- Swagger: Hold R1, double tap circle
- Nailbiter: Hold R2, hold RS up
- Pigeon: Hold R1, press R3
- Floor Spin: Hold L1, spin RS anti-clockwise
- Timber: Hold L2, press Circle
- Cell Phone: Hold L2, press Square
- Hypnosis: Hold L2, press Triangle
- Show Respect: Hold L1, double tap Circle
- Stir the Pot: Hold L2, double tap Triangle
- Point to the Sky: Hold L1, press Circle
- Spanish Dance: Hold L2, flick RS up twice
- World Beater: Hold R1, double tap Triangle
- The Salute: Hold R1, press Triangle
- Mannequin: Hold L2, hold RS up
- I Can't Hear You: Hold L2, hold RS right
- Heart: Hold L2, hold RS down
- Brick Fall: Hold L2, hold RS left
- Pipe: Hold L2, flick RS up then down
- Scorpion: Hold L2, flick RS left, then right
- Tea: Hold L2, flick RS right then left
- Neighborhood: Hold L2, flick RS down twice
- Knee Slide Fail: Hold L2, flick RS left twice
- Mask: Hold L1, flick RS up twice
- Break Dance: Hold R1, flick RS right twice
- Riding the Wave: Hold L1, press Triangle
- Relax: Hold R2, hold RS left
- Backwards Worm: Hold R1, spin RS anti-clockwise
- Uncontrolled Backflip: Hold R2, spin RS clockwise
- Handstand: Hold R2, spin RS anti-clockwise
- Hop & Point: Hold R2, flick RS down twice
- Knee Slide Drag: Hold L1, flick RS down, then up
- KO: Hold L1, double tap Square
- Right Here Right Now: Hold R1, press Circle
- Surf and Flex: Hold L2, flick RS down, then up
- Stand Tall: Hold R1, hold RS left
- Little Brother: Hold L2, double tap Circle
- Fingers: Hold L2, press R3
- Kiss the Ground: Hold R2, hold RS right
- Disbelief: Hold R2, hold RS down
- Backflips: Hold R2, double tap Square
- Peace: Hold R1, double tap Square
- Waddle (offline only): Hold L2, spin RS clockwise
- Golf Swing: Hold R1, flick RS left, then right
- Matador: Hold R2, flick RS down then up
- Goggles: Hold R2, flick RS up then down
- Time Check: Hold R2, flick RS right then left
- Push Ups: Hold R1, flick RS right then left
- The Worm: Hold R1, spin RS clockwise
- Dance: Hold R1, flick RS down twice
- Spin & Fall: Hold R2, flick RS up twice
- Dance & Spin: Hold R2, flick RS right twice
- Picture: Hold R2, press Square
- Cradle Swing: Hold R2, press Triangle
- Kiss the Ring: Hold R2, double tap Triangle
- Flying Dive: Hold R1, hold RS up
- Karate Kicks: Hold R1, hold RS right
- Jump Kicks: Hold R1, hold RS down
- Big Man: Hold L1, hold RS right
- Baby Girl: Hold L1, hold RS left
- Walk Like Me: Hold L1, flick RS left, then right
- Giddy Up: Hold L1, press R3
- Calm Down (offline only): Hold L1, double tap Triangle
- Phone It In: Hold L1, hold RS up
- Motorbike: Hold L1, hold RS down
- Hang Loose: Hold L1, flick RS up then down
- Muevelo: Hold L1, flick RS right, then left
- Point: Hold L1, flick RS right twice
- Fingers: Hold L2, press R3
- Time Check: Hold R2, flick RS right then left
- Picture: Hold R2, press square
- Point: Hold L1, flick RS right twice
FIFA 23 new celebrations
Along with all the previously available options, players can enjoy some new additions that have become incredibly popular. Griddy is at the top of the FIFA 23 list, but there are some other interesting ones to choose from.
- Griddy: Hold R2, flick RS up twice
- Gamer: Hold R1, flick RS right then left
- Eye of the Storm: Hold R1, do a clockwise circle with RS
- Slide Salute: Hold R1, hold RS right
- Slide and Flex: Hold R1, hold RS down
- Arm Swing (Boneless Walk): Hold L1, flick RS right then left
In addition to these, signature celebrations for the respective players are also available, and it remains to be seen if EA Sports will add any more in future FIFA 23 updates.
The developers are planning on introducing more celebrations to EA Sports FC, which is scheduled for the later months of 2023. While the talks with FIFA have faced a bit of a breakdown, the upcoming title will still feature several licensed teams and footballers.
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